mandag 26. september 2011


I'm finally in Japan now :D Sorry for being really slow with updating =[
I've been too busy this last month OTL (wow, I've already been here a month *___*)

So, let's try to summarize~
In Kyoto, Nara and Osaka I did a lot of sightseeing, shopping and eating :D
I love Japanese kare- (curry) <3 It's delicious!

Left Norway on sunday morning, arrived in Japan on Monday afternoon. We were all super tired and felt like poo.
But after a quick rest at the hostel we were ready for some dinner :]

(Japan is very warm in the summer, July/August, so after a couple of days we figured out how all the Japanese stay so fresh and dry looking; they wear layers.
If you wanna look nice and dry in Japan during summer, wear 2-3 shirts at the same time! When it's already that warm and humid, one more shirt wont make any difference anyway, except that you'll -look- dry XD Also, you can buy "anti sweat" t-shirts that don't show off sweat that much, and if you go to a kusuri shop/drug store, you can find cooling spray XD This might not sound so important, but now I somehow don't understand how I could ever live without! )

On Tuesday, we just hung out and bought things we needed. We also went to karaoke for the first time! :D (well, the first time this time around)
I love karaoke *_____* And it's so cheap! Usually, you also get "nomihoudai", which means "drink as much as you want to" for some 2 hours or so.
But if you don't know Japanese, it can be hard to find songs... or even order a room >___<;;
(In Japan they have awesome karaoke places were you get your own room, instead of embarassing karaoke bars)

Next time, I will amongst other things write about Nara :]
Since I have a ton of pictures and stuff to write, I have to split it up a bit >___<;;
Plus, I'm still busy so I don't have a lot of time to write a looong post >___<; sorry!

See you later!